Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Texting Etiquette

Okay so we are all super guilty of this one... especially me!
Texting is super convenient especially because it can be done anywhere, right?! WRONG!!!!!!!! I know that it is so tempting to text at dinner... but don't. It is frustrating when someone is trying to hold a conversation with you and then all the sudden...BAM.... you've lost eye contact with the person sitting across from you while they text their boyfriend back and pretend to listen to your convo all at the same time. It just isn't appropriate. If you must text back let the person know, so they don't feel like you'd rather be with the texter instead of them!


Ky said...

I love the ettiquite dosage! fabulous idea!

Alyson said...

i'm so guilty of this :-\ but am resolving to STOP! :-)

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