Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Thank You Note Do's

Thank you Note Do's according to Mrs. Post
  1. Personalize your notes and make reference to the person as well as the gift
  2. Be enthusiastic, but be realistic and don't gush.
  3. Refer to the use you will make of money gifts.
  4. Promptly acknowledge receipt of shipped gifts, either sending your thank you within a few days or calling the sender and following up with a written note.
  5. Remember that a gift should be acknowledged with the same courtesy and generous spirit in which it was given.


Belle (from Life of a...) said...

I just e-mailed this post to BOTH of my children. At almost 23 and almost 19, they STILL have trouble remembering to send thanks yous...I promise I raised them right...just don't know what happened!!

Nikki Cogg said...

I'm a bit of a freak when it comes to thank you notes. Since I've gotten married (actually, since the engagement party)I send thank you's for EVERYTHING. Some people don't like to recieve thank you notes (my very generous grandmother... she does NOT like when I send them to her, she's so very humble). Thank you for posting this, glad to know I've been doing it right :) Haha!

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