Thursday, August 27, 2009

Shower Do's and Dont's

-Serve delicious food that is easy to eat
-Have a close friend or family member record the gifts to create a handy reference tool when its time to write Thank Yous
-Select gifts on the registry. People register for things they want and like--use this tool to your advantage
-Send out invitations 3-4 weeks in advance to give guests ample time to respond

-Leave anything open to interpretation. Specify start and end times, and any other boundaries like "adults only"
-Come empty handed. If you are a guest, bringing a gift is cutomary. If you are the guest honor, bring at minimum a hand written note to your hostess thanking them for having your shower. You can also bring a small gift like a flower arrangement or something sweet for their home.
-Ever coerce someone into hosting a shower for you. If you are getting married, a member of the bridal party or close family friend should host a shower. If you are having a baby a close friend or relative should host the shower.

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