Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Job Interviews

Interviews are all about first impressions. So here are some interview tips for making that first impression a positive one.

--Arrive ten minutes early to fill out any paperwork or to be accessible in case your interviewer is ready for you.

--Dress professionally and remember that overdressing is preferred to underdressing

--Turn off your cell phone

--Greet the interviewer and give a firm handshake

--Take a pause in speaking rather than stalling with "um"s or "uh"s or "like"

--Avoid over-using technical jargon to impress the interviewer

--Shake the interviewer's hand and thank them by name

--Send a thank you note as soon as possible following the interview



M said...

And if you're wearing stockings (and yes, I believe you should), keep an extra, unopened pair in your handbag, briefcase or car. You probably won't need them, but it never hurts to be prepared!

Farrah said...

In modeling school, we were taught to always use a firm handshake and I think it applies everywhere. I cannot stand when women give flimsy handshakes!

Nishant said...

I believe you should), keep an extra, unopened pair in your handbag, briefcase or car. You probably won't need them Make website india

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