Monday, July 27, 2009

Wedding thank you note etiquette.

Should you break out your stationery with you soon to be new monogram before the wedding to write shower thank you notes and others?

No, actually the stationery that has your new monogram should be used for wedding gifts and you shouldn't start using them until after you are married, says tradition.

Also remember to sign your maiden name up until you are married on all of your thank you notes and your married name on the "Wedding" thank you notes if you are changing names.

(via Emily Post)

1 comment:

Piper Jacquelyn said...

Another "thank you" etiquette question - what's the timeline for showers & the actual wedding gifts? And also - is it okay or not okay to do emails? I honestly think it's poor taste, but if you say it's okay, I'll believe you. I ask because I've gotten some somewhat questionable thank yous & am still waiting on a few!

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