Monday, August 31, 2009

Question from a Reader!

Happy Monday everyone! Thank you so much for reading every week, I just noticed this morning we are at 200 followers and I'm super grateful for each one of you :)

Without further ado, here is an excerpt from a reader email regarding a particularly touchy subject: friends and money.

Hi Ashley,

What is the best way to let a bride to be know that I am unable to attend their wedding due to the costs involved (the wedding is in another state)?

I am concerned that she will see us spending money on other things and be hurt by this. We are currently renovating and are already committed to attending another function.


Dear Britt:

This is such a great question and I can only imagine the anxiety you must be feeling about communicating this to your friend without hurting her feelings. If I were you, I would send a hand written note explaining your obligations prior to being invited to the wedding and how that has impacted you financially. Express your desire to attend but explain that you due to your monetary constraints it just won't be possible. Wish them the best of luck and send a small gift for the wedding. It doesn't have to be expensive but it will be a thoughtful touch.


1 comment:

The Blushing Hostess said...

This is on a lot of people'sminds, I just did a post on a reader etiquette letter on my site and answered another at the Love List - must be the nature of the times...

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