Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Group Gifts

Everyone is pitching in for a gift and wants you to contribute. Or you are spearheading the collection of money for a gift. Either can become a sticky situation.

Situation #1:
People expect you to contribute to a big group gift, but even your share is more than you wanted to spend.

Solution: Kindly explain to the person who is collecting the money that you already had another gift in mind for this particular person or occasion and then go purchase something that is within your price range.

Situation #2:
You are in charge of collecting money for a group gift and some of the group keep giving you the brush off.

Solution: Send a kind email asking everyone to give X number of dollars by a certain date. If you are still waiting on certain members after that date, it's perfectly appropriate to send another email. You can mention and thank those individuals who have paid. If the second email is not effective talk to those people who have not paid separately and offer to take whatever they can give if the amount owed is an issue.

(sourced from

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